Multifocal lenses called "Smart lenses" are applied to suitable patients in our center. These lenses are recommended for patients over 40 years of age to be able to see near and far without glasses. Especially patients using both near and far glasses or unwilling to use close glasses are very satisfied with this operation. These patients can read books, use computers and watch TV without glasses after the operation. The lenses have no lifespan. Eye numbers stabilize some time after surgery and doesn’t change anymore. The operation takes averagely 5-10 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia.
After surgery with smart lenses, you don’t need to stay in the hospital, you can go home comfortably. The shorter the interval between the operations of the two eyes, the faster the adaptation. Recovery is fast and you return to your normal life in a short time.
Basing on some criteria, ophthalmologist makes decision which lenses to put on patients who will have an operation. There are no smart lenses for "lazy" eyes if there is any disorder in the center of vision or the cornea. For more information about this operation, you can contact 070-523-63-63.